ALPENHEAT Toalla Refrigerante ICE-TOWEL
Modelo: ACO1
- Toalla Refrigerante
- Reduce un 25 % la temperatura
- UPF 45 Protección
- Sin producto químicos
- 30 x 95 cm
- Cuando está húmeda refrigera más tiempo
- Cuando está seca es suave y absorbente
- Reutilizable y se puede lavar en lavadora
- Material 100% polyester
- Color: negro, naranja, verde, azul claro, rojo, pink
Using new fabric technology and easy to use, delivering fast, long-lasting cooling to help enhance performance and well-being by keeping you focused on what you are doing and not on your body temperature. ALPENHEAT’s chemical-free ICE-Towel, makes your skin feel up to 25% cooler. Simple to use during any activity.
To activate:
- Wet the towel
- Use hot or cold water
- Wring out excess water
- Hold both ends of the towel and pull it apart vigorously, snapping the material and thereby activating the cooling technology.
- The cooling towel is ready to be used. Just put it on the part of your body that you want to cool. After a short while, you will feel the long-lasting cooling effect on your skin.
To re-activate: simply repeat the above step.
Or use the towel dry to absorb sweat.