Sustain our Planet - Perceive Sustainability
There has never been a time in mankind before, when taking care of sustainability was as important as it is now! As a company selling its products worldwide, it is important for us to do it the right way: right for our planet- right for our future- right for ourselves.
Plastic Positive
Plastic Positive
We are a plastic positive company. We offset our products plastic footprint by supporting the Scandinavian company Empower ( Together we recover 2 kg of ocean-bound plastic to compensate for the 1kg of plastic used in our products. 2 kg of plastic is the equivalent of 160 PET bottles!
Empower is building a global plastic waste ecosystem. This is done by setting up collection points around the world, together with partners who then issue financial rewards in return for the deposit of plastic. All the plastic is registered digitally when deposited, allowing it to be traced through the value chain. This creates transparency and traceability and allows waste flows to be mapped and to ensure that the plastic ends up where it has the highest value and the lowest cost to society. Empower is now in more than 15 countries incentivising the collection of plastic waste, kick-starting waste management systems and building transparency in the supply chains of recyclers and plastic producers.
100% Green Electricity
We are aware of our planet, our climate and our future; therefore we use green electricity at our headquarters and in our warehouse generated 100% from Austrian hydropower
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